As he rounded a curve in the road, his vehicles engine began misfiring and the radio and lights failed. Another vehicle approaching him also had trouble with his headlights dimming and flickering. He tried to wave the approaching driver over, but on rounding the corner realized why the driver wanted to continue.
Suddenly his engine stopped. Then a ô huge bright silver object, tubular in shape with bright green glowing ends came up the escarpment. It was so large it filled the entire windscreen ô, he reported.
He also states that the whole inside of his car lit up green. There was a ô pounding ô noise in his ears, like stereo speakers turned up loud and they vibrate. He also felt as if he was being ô forced ô down into the seat of his car. The object passed over the top of his car and gained altitude at speed.
He was then able to restart the engine and continue his journey home. When arriving home, he was greeted by his over excited wife, bursting with something to tell him. She had also witnessed the same object from her location.
Apparently over 200 people had phoned the local radio station from as far a way as Wyong and the Entrance to report this sighting at Maitland Bay.
That same night a professional fisherman from HardyÆs Bay was 20 Klm out to sea off Maitland
Wreck. At about 10:05 PM he said he heard a strange noise like ô water boiling and hissing ô. He then
noticed a bright green light travelling under the water about 200 meters in front of his trawler, but lost sight
of it through the sea mist.
This sighting was three days prior to the mysterious disappearance of Mr. Frederick Valentik, and
his plane, over Bass Straight.
(2)August 19 th 1976. 1:54 AM A husband and wife ( names supplied ) were driving towards Mount Kaputar on the road from Delungra to Bingara, ( western slopes of N.S.W.) when they came upon what they first thought to be a railway train crossing the road. They could not understand why the crossing would not have had warning lights. It was not until they reached their destination that they were informed that the nearest rail crossing was 100 Klm from their location, ô so you could not have seen a train thereö , they were informed.
On reflecting on what they had seen, they said that it seemed to have light coming from it. Not a beam of light but a glow on the ground surrounding the whole object. It moved across the unsealed road just off the ground, they could not remember seeing any wheels.The object seemed to slow down when it reached the fence. It then moved higher above the fence and gained speed. They lost sight of it in the fog.